BMA Board oF Directors |
Brookside Mothers’ Association board members collaborate to sustain and grow a vision for community that was planted circa 1982 in the Brookside neighborhood located in Kansas City, MO. The Board of Directors and Executive Committee are responsible for strategic planning and decision-making in accordance with the mission, vision and values of BMA. |
Information on Teams, Structure and chair descriptions. |
Brookside Mothers' Association
Board of Directors 2021
President = This role is responsible for leading Brookside Mothers’ Association, ensuring communication, events, and member communities align with the goals and vision of the organization. Responsibilities include overseeing the board, leading bimonthly board meetings and administering legal and state documents.
Secretary = This role is the custodian of corporate records and filings for BMA. This officer schedules bimonthly meetings, creates the agenda and keeps the minutes of the meetings and other actions of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Treasurer = This role is responsible for maintaining and reconciling the BMA budget, which is agreed upon by the board. This officer submits reimbursements and refunds as needed and partners with other board members to help reconcile the financial status of members.
COMMUNICATIONS TEAM = Reinforces the BMA brand via external & internal communication channels primarily website, monthly emails/newsletter & social media pages. The team works with and on behalf of other teams to share content with members.
1. Social Media = This chair is a member of the Communications Team and partners with them to define and push out communications for BMA members and potential members (FB Messenger, DM). Responsible for content posted on social media channels (private FB, public FB & private BST page, Instagram - NEW). Works closely with the newsletter and website chairs to ensure all information is accurate, timely and connected (links, etc.).
2. Website = This chair is a member of the Communications Team and is responsible for BMA’s website: The website is the hub for information for BMA members and via the communications team, this chair ensures the information is consistent at all access points and is published timely and accurately. This chair supports other board members as they require the website channel for their team communications to members. Responsible for the web host provider (Wild Apricot) services, options, changes in offerings or policies.
3. Newsletter = This chair is part of the Communications Team and leads the coordinating efforts to produce a monthly digital newsletter for members. This board member, along with the Newsletter Committee is responsible for content and design.
MEMBERSHIP TEAM: Manages the relationship between members and BMA, connecting them to each other, the organization and the greater local community.
1. Membership + Playgroup I = This chair is part of the Membership Team and is responsible for welcoming and connecting new and current BMA members. This chair is the point person for engagement - leading and encouraging members to connect to the greater BMA community. This board member is responsible for connecting members to existing Playgroups and assigning BMA Peer Mentors. This chair maintains a directory of active playgroups and links the Playgroup Leaders to the board. Works with Playgroup II as needed.
2. Playgroup II = This chair is part of the Membership Team and is responsible for welcoming and connecting new and current BMA members. This chair helps form new playgroups, conducts the onboarding process for new Playgroup Leaders and oversees the process of creating and maintaining BMA's newest benefit: Moms-Only Groups. Works with Playgroup I to maintain an active playgroup roster.
3. Philanthropy = This chair is a part of the Membership Engagement Team and is responsible for coordinating the philanthropic efforts of BMA. This board member manages the long-standing relationship with The Children’s Place including coordinating volunteers for the monthly, recurring BackSnack Packing Event. This chair seeks-out volunteer opportunities for BMA families and plans one fundraising event of their choosing per year, partnering with the Events Team as needed.
EVENTS TEAM: Manages, plans and communicates BMA-exclusive events with the purpose of bringing members together to create an environment of fun and community.
1. Moms' Events = This chair is part of the Events Team and is responsible for creating BMA-exclusive Moms’ Night In/Out events. The goal of these events is to offer moms a chance to socialize and connect with each other while practicing a bit of self-care by taking respite from their mom duties. This chair is responsible for 4 Moms’ events per year - and coordinating/organizing the calendar with partnership of the events team and marketing efforts via the communications team. Past events have included: peddle-hopper night, spa night, happy hours, etc. This chair co-hosts new member dinners with the Playgroup and Membership chairs.
2. Family Events = This chair is part of the Events Team and is responsible for creating BMA-exclusive events with the purpose of bringing together families, including partners and littles. This chair is responsible for 4 Family events per year - and coordinating/organizing the calendar with partnership of the events team and marketing efforts via the communications team. Past events have included: Be Mine Valentine’s Party, Summer Social and Boo Bash.
3. Wellness Events = This chair is part of the Events Team and is responsible for creating BMA-exclusive events focusing on health and fitness in an effort to bring balance and self care to BMA members. These events often partner with local businesses to offer free or discounted classes for BMA members.. This chair is responsible for 4 Wellness events per year - coordinating/organizing the calendar with partnership of the events team and the communications team. Past partnerships and events have included: Barre3, healthy cooking classes, and mom/baby yoga.
4. Education/Workshop Events = This chair is a member of the Communications Team and is responsible for 3-4 community workshops per year that focus on education and enrichment of our BMA members. Past events have included: Kids & Careers, Kids & Tech, home organization and relationships/motherhood. These events are meant to include, support and engage moms around a variety of topics that are important to them. Partners with the communication and events team to organize their events into the calendar and schedule marketing efforts.
testimonials |